Thursday 8 March 2012

It Hurts when 'People' Change...
especially when they Change for Bad..

It Hurts when ur 'Loved One' Cries..
especially when they Cry for those, who don't Deserve..

It Hurts when u See ur 'Ex' with 'Someone' else..
especially when u know u looked way better with them..

It Hurts when 'Things' don't Happen as per ur 'Wiish'..
especially when u know, What's required at dat Time..

It Hurts when ur 'Loved One' is not there..
especially when u Need them like Anything..

That hurtness Pinches u at Heart n is enough to make u Cry and Life seems to b 'False'
& Everything seems to b 'Fake', even Love also.. :'(

Some things in Life have to b Accepted even when they Hurt...!!
They mould u & make u Learn,
Value them..
''So don't Hurt those who Belongs to u only, If u 'll then u will lose Something very 'Precious'!!

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