Thursday 22 March 2012

Do you know how it feels
When someone throws you out of their life for someone else..?

Do you Know how it feels
When you want to die with each breath..?

Do you know how it feels
wen you someone else snatching the person you loved the most..?

Do you know how it feels..
when you Have to say "I'm fine" 'n fake a smile
But Nothing is OK at all..?

Do you know how it feels
when you try hard to smile but tears fall unknowingly..?

Do you know how it feels to know..
that the I Only wish you had will never be fulfilled..?

I have gone through all of these..
Just Because Of you
'n in Return...
I will be Loving You Forever with My Broken Heart...

I'll be Loving You with all these Broken Pieces..
But my love will be Stronger than Any Unbroken Heart..
No One Can Love You Like I Can... !!!


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